"These hands were made to love and serve other people." -Mom


These words have been a frequent mantra all my life, one of those sayings that will never be forgotten. But is that what they were for? Just to not be forgotten? No, mom said them to teach me something, which will take me a lifetime to learn fully. What is your purpose? This is all about identity. Who are you? Live each day to fulfill this God given purpose: Love and Serve Other People.


I'll never forget those times, when mom would look into my eyes and take my hands and turn the palms upwards and say those words. She was telling me who I am, who I was made to be. This has become a crucially important thing recently, last year being my senior year in High School, making big decisions for the future, or even little decisions that shape my personality. Because I often get overwhelmed, depressed or confused, knowing who I am and what I am supposed to do clears my vision. It also opens the door for God-given opportunities, and better hearing of His voice.


Which led to this post, God has been telling me that I am called to Love and Serve others today by, bringing good news to the poor in spirit; binding up the brokenhearted, proclaiming liberty to the captives, and freedom to those in chains; comforting all who mourn; granting to the sorrowful Christian a crown of Joy instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garments of praise instead of a tired spirit; that they may be called Oaks of Righteousness, the Planting of the Lord, that He alone may be Glorified. (Based on Isaiah 61:1-3)


That's just what I am called to do today, but who are you and how are you being called to love and serve today?


For these hands... and those hands, were made to love and serve other people.


Helpful Verses to Memorize - Matthew 6:25-34





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