
A couple weeks ago my cousin Taylor Darwood (now Taylor Lauer!) got married! While I was there I was able to spend time with my cousins Kyler and Hannah playing worship music, it was great!
Daniel and Taylor were wed on Saturday, it was a beautiful wedding and the word that kept going through my mind was "Sacred." Everything had the sense of being sacred in value. That continued through Sunday.
Sunday morning I helped my mom with Sunday school. Our church in the summertime has all the age groups together in a sort of VBS style Sunday school. This week we had a fairly small group. Mom had a small lesson planned from Jesus parable of the unforgiving servant. Then she told me that she usually would share a missionary story and about how important it is to hold fast to God's words and to spend our time in prayer, but she wanted me to do something. So God gave me this:
I had a bunch of sweet helpers because I can't draw...😂 So, God told me to use Romans 10. I started picking it apart so that it you could watch the progression in the story.
God's Work of Salvation
The beginning of the mission is in verses 8-13. What is the message all about? "The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart, that word of faith is the one we are preaching, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation... Everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved." (paraphrase) The message is all about the salvation we have in Christ. The key is at the beginning, "the word is near you." We have the words of God near us, we have His Spirit in us speaking and leading us ever toward Jesus. It is so awesome!
Our Mission (Go Preach, Be Sent, Show Faith)
Go Preach - But wait, what about those who do not have the word? They must have it, they must hear it near them! So there needs to be a preacher that brings it to them.
Be Sent - Just as it is written: "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!" There is more to this than people think. It is not, "oh, God needs to send people." It is, "oh God, here I am, please send me!" God is looking for people who are willing to go and do anything no matter what.
Show Faith - We must show faith when God does call us and step out into the grand plan unknown to us, but known to the God who started this whole mission! The best thing here is that faith looks like many things. The best two are prayer and scripture. Prayer connects all of these pieces together and to God. Through prayer with God are we saved. Through prayer we know what, how, and who to preach to. Through prayer we hear and seek God for guidance and direction of where He would send us. Through prayer we grow in knowledge and peace in the sufficiency of God's work, growing our faith. Through scripture we are brought to conviction by the the Holy Spirit. Through scripture we share the story of Christ and His love for humankind. It is all so amazing!
So the conclusion was to define what a missionary is. "Someone who is on the mission of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ our God." You are a missionary if you are saved by the perfectly sufficient work of Christ that compels you to seek God and share God, leaving you humble and expectant for Him to speak and breathe life into you, preparing your heart and soul for stepping out onto the journey of faith in God.
That's the sacred mission and journey that I am on. God has called me to dedicate myself to love and service. The step that I am on right now is to learn skills to better serve, and to lean of God to better love. It was wonderful to share that with some children that Christ spoke of, "Let them come." Amen! May God receive many children and send them to go bring more!
For the Kingdom!
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