General Almost Done!

Hey everyone! Great news! General, which is just the basics of everything, is almost done (3 weeks left), and I finally got tools in my toolbox! (there are still like 10 or 15 missing, but yunno, one blessing at a time...🙃)
I've been learning some more really neat stuff, here are some pictures!
We got into safety wire! (that is sarcastic excitement by the way) Safety wire holds all the fasteners tight so that they don't vibrate loose and let the plane fall apart. It is a super critical thing to learn!
We have also been sharpening lots of pencils, diving deep into logbook entries, 337 forms, inspection forms, checklists... basically millions of miles of paperwork (literally). It is not all bad, some of it is interesting, but it is also like %30-60 of the work that people do in aviation.
Another course is weight and balance, this one is actually a good bit of fun! It is a bunch of math for how to load an airplane so that you are well balanced while hanging in mid air from two wings and clawing through the air at breakneck speed. It is something that I will use a lot, and also any pilot does for each flight.
I have also gotten to logic circuits in the electricity course! These are the most fun ever! Which is a good thing, because I am planning (Deo Volente) to do avionics as a main focus in my work. Avionics are all of the instruments and electrical systems in the plane.
Hope you all are doing well too and are filled with the peace of Chrsit!
For the Kingdom!
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