Support is a speciallized, highly precise line of work. Missionaries need way more than money, there are so many creative ways to support and send them. Top of the line is Prayer, nothing happens without it. Seriously,  you can't become a Christian without prayer, and you can't go out and try to make disciples without it either.

Next is encouragement, the intense nature of missionary work involves extreem highs and extreem lows, being there to celebrate and comfort and do life with them is essential for them. Provision is next. Taking up the burden of finances opens up missionaries to focus more attention to the work they are there to do. There are so many other ways that you can serve alongside missionaries as well, please, be creative! I thank you deeply for the prayers, encouragement and financial support you give.


Thank you for your prayers!  Please also consider supporting me financially.


  •  I would take advantage of the opportunties I have to learn and grow in character.

  • Humility and grace as I learn to communicate and work with different people.

  • Financial support for my expanded/ing toolset.

  • Continued discernment and wisdom with big decisions and internships.

 A key part of being a maintenance speciallist is tools! I have the incredible opportunity to get a high-quality, extensive set of tools while I am a student at a discounted price. The tools are in kits and spaced out between the rest of the semesters. This price however is still a lot. So please be in prayer for the $20,000 tool bill this semseter, after scholarships I still need $14,000.

Financial Needs


  •  New toolboxes finally arrived!!!

  • God has been faithful to provide some scholarships to help with my tool bill.

  • I have been blessed by my community with good fellowship.

  • The new freshman are settling into the house culture well.